
Artist: Powerman 5000 Song title: Free Album: Transform I just got this CD today (5-20-03) and wanted to tab it as best i can Intro (same as verse) (guitar 1 & 2) e----------------------------------| b----------------------------------| G----------------------------------| D-8888-6666-4444-2222--------------| A-8888-6666-4444-2222--------------| E-6666-4444-2222-0000--------------| after the 6666 6666 there is guitar 2 that plays: 4444 G-10---| D----8-| after "let's go!" and chorus guitar 1 e-------------------------------------| b-------------------------------------| G-------------------------------------| D-88888888-66666666-44444444-22222222-| A-88888888-66666666-44444444-22222222-| E-66666666-44444444-22222222-00000000-| guitar 2 D------------------------| A-8---8--11--8~-8---6----| E---9-------------9---6~-| Verse is the same as intro chorus guitar 1 e---------------------------------| b---------------------------------| G---------------------------------| D-8-8-8-8-11-11-11--4/6-6-6-6-6-6-| X3 A-8-8-8-8-11-11-11--4/6-6-6-6-6-6-| E-6-6-6-6-9--9--9---2/4-4-4-4-4-4-| then it ends with e--------------------| b--------------------| G--------------------| D-8888-6666-44444444-| A-8888-6666-44444444-| E-6666-4444-22222222-| during the chorus guitar 2 plays something like this: e-------------------------------------------| b--9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11--| G-------------------------------------------| then right before spider one says "wishin' and hopin'..." it goes: guitar 1 guitar 2 G-----| G----10----| D-8~--| D--8----8~-| A-8~--| A----------| E-6~--| E----------| then the guitar one of the interlude is the verse palm muted and guitar two starts after two sets of guitar one. it goes G-------------------------| D-8-88-11-11-11-4-44-6-66-| A-8-88-11-11-11-4-44-6-66-| E-6-66-9--9--9--2-22-4-44-| thats about it. i hope it is read-able. i tried to put every little riff in there so it doesn't leave you guessing. i don'e have an email, but hopefully you guys will get it and won't need to email. 'til the next tab, later!